Each month Rodney Johnson analyzes financial, economic, demographic, and social trends to give you a view of what lies in the weeks or years ahead.
From birth rates to pension funding, and interest rates to the price of oil, Rodney considers many industries and trends that affect our daily lives and shape our financial futures. Like Harry, Rodney doesn’t have a marketing message to push, so he’ll provide you with a clear assessment of how things stand.
Rodney Johnson Report
In addition to analysis and forecasts, Rodney also maintains a model portfolio meant to reflect his general investment views, incorporating his analysis and that of Harry Dent. The model portfolio doesn’t represent investment recommendations and is not meant as investment advice. It simply shows what investments Rodney believes are currently in favor, as well as a split between growth opportunities and stable investments.
When you sign up for the Rodney Johnson Report, you will also receive the HS Dent Forecast, written by Harry Dent.
Rodney writes one of our most popular publications, the Week In Review, where every Friday he highlights economic data and trends from the previous week. Subscribers get a quick, easy to understand analysis of things such as housing starts, consumer price data, GDP, and Fed actions.
When you sign up for the Rodney Johnson Report, you will receive a new edition every month, which includes his unique economic analysis as well as his model portfolio. You’ll also receive his Week In Review every Friday.
Surveying the investment landscape
Sizemore Income Letter
There is a corner of the markets where this doesn’t happen, closed-end funds. Such funds have a set number of shares outstanding that don’t change when more, or fewer, investors want to own shares.
Teaching Proven Concepts And Strategies
HS Dent Forecast
Harry has no axe to grind, no marketing to push. He gives subscribers his unvarnished view of what lies ahead, even when it’s not good news. From the value of your home to the expected returns in your retirement account, Harry covers many areas of financial life.